Package is a biggest cause of apprehension for anyone nowadays. Be it a customer, a student, a boy looking for a girl and vice versa for companionship (read Live In) or perhaps marriage, and a company hiring people. They look for the paramount package deal in every aspect of life.
They want to draw out maximum by investing minimum; yeah they do the cost benefit analysis and ROI (tools used to make a business case) and then buy, invest or acquire the product or service {depends on situation:) }.
A customer invests his time and money in the market searching for the great package deal (product). One on One free offer is the best offer one can get but unfortunately not every company has deep pockets to provide this luxury to customers. But who the f**k cares for customers, every company aims to make profits, by hook or crook, by fooling their customers to believe this the best product or package they can ever get to suffice their needs(Desires). A customer lives in a fool’s paradise that he is the King; truth is he is just a part of system, acting like a slave and generating profits and revenues for the companies.
Another kind of package is what a student (learners-a wrong dictionary meaning) look at or craves for.
A student (a grad or a post grad) invests his effort, money and time again for a great package. He wants to get the maximum to satisfy the desire of living a lifestyle which is a delusion created by companies to sell their own products or what they call package deals. For them a package is a must to live a lifestyle which is pleasurable and amusing (Desires- Sex, alcohol and drugs).”Quote: There is no point in living if you cannot feel alive” – this is used as a justification for living such a lifestyle and that in turn rationalises the desire for enormous package.
As in life one things leads to another (you know what I mean ;)) so is the case here. One package leads to another package. As one satisfies the need for one kind of package for some time the search for next starts or in some cases is done simultaneously.
This package is more of high risk investment without a little chance diversification. I hope you might have guessed it by now, if not I am making it explicit. The package here I am referring to is either a girl or a boy.
A girl or a boy looks for a complete package in the opposite sex. They just want everything in that person. Tall, dark (fair) and handsome or hot, good looking is an undefined vital prerequisite to be even looked at or pass the screening test of eyes. Customization is the order of modern times. Every package deal is subjected to this. So, is the case with this package. Finding a suitable package in itself is a project management exercise in itself with continuously changing environment variables Budget (how much you can spend), time (time you can invest waiting for the D-Day).
People want to change others to suit their needs (desires) and make them a perfect package for themselves. They exercise this option of tweaking as if customizing and ordering a product online.
A company hiring employees also look for a complete package. They want the person to have a gamut of skills and adaptability to use him as and when required for various jobs. These hiring decisions helps them in hiring some suckers who do not have to work to get paid, but just have to come to the premises, give rest to their a** and go back.
Parking your a** can get you a package, slogging your a** can get you a package.
What kind of an ass you want to be, it’s your choice and as the quote says.. we are here to understand the choice.

write from the heart of an MBA guy....a very lucrative one well done kake
as a matter of fact, we're 'used' for packages..... be it any kind of package!!!
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